CELEBRANT for wedding chapel in Tokyo,Saitama,Chiba,Kisarazu,Mito,Oyama,Utsunomiya,Yamagata,Sendai,Fukushima, Koriyama,Numazu,Shizuoka,Hamamatsu.Ordained Pastors and Missionaries are welcomed.Spouse visa holders or permanent residents with strong Chirsianity background are acceptable.Working visa holders are also acceptable.(But some condition is required) Those who hold Spouse visa,permanent resident visa or working visa need to pass a certification program.Daily Japanese conversation ability is required.Details are at interview.Send resume and letter onf Christian background to TMC Tokyo office.
Greet the wedding hall staff in a cheerful manner as you head to the changing room. Once there, change into your pastor’s robe and proceed to the chapel with your script and Bible.
Here you will prepare for the wedding. Your fellow TMC members (choir singers, organist) will rehearse the music. You will receive the wedding couple’s names, which you enter into your script. There will be a meeting with a chapel staff member, during which the wedding couple’s names, the groom’s and bride’s rings, and the presence or absence of optional ceremonies are verified. (These include ring boys, flower showers, bouquet toss, veil-lowering by the mother, etc.)
You will meet the bride and groom, and their parents, for the first time. After greeting them, the wedding rehearsal will begin immediately. You will participate in this brief rehearsal during which the couple and parents learn the progression of the ceremony. Making the couple feel relaxed at this point is a key to a having a wonderful wedding.
After all the guests have entered the chapel, the ceremony will begin. Against a background of organ music, you will enter the chapel with the groom. You will then give a brief opening speech, after which the bride will enter with her father. Once the bride has been handed over to the groom, the couple will stand before you as you guide the ceremony through the singing of hymns, prayers, the vows, the exchange of rings, and the signing of the certificate. The beautiful music, your gentle support with the couple, the drama of the exchanged vows, and the happy moment when the guests applaud the newlyweds all work together to create an unforgettable memory for the couple, their family, relatives, and friends.
With the wedding successfully performed, you return to the changing room where you change from your robe back into the suit in which you arrived. Your fellow TMC members will also return to the changing room, and after confirming the details of the wedding together, you may leave the wedding hall.
We will give you full training to support you until you get confidence of the job.
Job description | 1)Conducting the wedding ceremony at hotels and wedding halls(Temp agency) |
Qualifications |
Christians or pastors |
Working hours | Minimum 2 hours commitment on each ceremonies ※ Jobs available mostly on weekends and holidays |
Wages | Based on our policy |
北海道 ・青森県 ・ 宮城県 ・ 岩手県 ・ 秋田県 ・ 山形県 ・ 福島県 ・ 茨城県 ・ 栃木県 ・ 埼玉県 ・ 千葉県 ・ 東京都・ 富山県 ・ 福井県 ・ 石川県 ・ 山梨県
神奈川県 ・ 静岡県
群馬県 ・ 長野県 ・ 新潟県
愛知県 ・ 三重県 ・ 岐阜県
滋賀県 ・ 京都府 ・ 大阪府 ・ 兵庫県 ・ 奈良県 ・ 和歌山県
岡山県 ・ 鳥取県 ・ 島根県 ・ 香川県 ・ 徳島県 ・ 愛媛県 ・ 高知県
広島県 ・ 山口県 ・ 福岡県 ・ 佐賀県 ・ 長崎県 ・ 大分県 ・ 熊本県
宮崎県 ・ 鹿児島県
The celebrant has the happy opportunity to help create this once-in-a-lifetime sense of joy for everyone.